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Community Adopt A Planter Scheme 2024

🌺 Waltham Adopt a Planter 2024 🌹

Would you like to adopt one of our village planters this summer?  The popular scheme is entering its third year and we can't wait to see the colourful displays brightening the village!

Pennells vouchers will be awarded to the top three as picked by our judges.

1st prize £25

2nd prize £15

3rd prize £10

Adopters simply plant up and weed their planter through the summer growing season and we take care of the preparation and regular watering.  Planters will be ready for the start of Easter weekend and we have the following available:  please pop in to the office on Wednesday 9AM -12, email [email protected] or call 826233 if you are interested.

2 planters entrance to Archer Rd 

2 planters entrance to Woodhall Drive

2 planters outside the Kings Head

1 planter outside the Ings Lane Allotment Gate

2 planters on High Street Opposite the Church (BOTH ADOPTED)

2 planters junction of Fairway and Grimsby Rd

2 planters junction of Westfield Ave and Brigsley Road.

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